"The Union" is a film directed by Julian Farino that follows the story of Nick and Mark, two high school friends who reunite after years apart. Nick, now a successful businessman, is in the midst of a divorce and struggling with his career, while Mark, a former drug addict, is trying to overcome his past and get his life back on track.
As the two friends reconnect, old wounds are reopened and secrets are revealed, leading to a confrontation that forces them to confront their past and take responsibility for their actions. Through their journey of rediscovery and redemption, Nick and Mark come to realize the importance of friendship, forgiveness, and the power of second chances.
"The Union" is a poignant and moving film that explores themes of love, loss, and reconciliation, and showcases the power of friendship to heal old wounds and create new beginnings. The Union (2024) streaming VF gratuit en Full HD, UH 4K.