Here is a synopsis of the film "Here" by Bas Devos:
The film follows the story of a young man named Thomas who is struggling to come to terms with the death of his best friend after a random act of violence. As he navigates his grief and tries to make sense of the senseless tragedy, Thomas embarks on a journey of self-discovery and introspection.
Through a series of flashbacks and present-day moments, we see how the loss of his friend has deeply affected Thomas and those around him. As he grapples with his emotions and tries to find closure, Thomas must confront the harsh realities of life and learn to find peace within himself.
"Here" is a poignant and thought-provoking film that explores themes of loss, grief, and acceptance. Through its mesmerizing visuals and emotionally charged performances, the film offers a raw and authentic portrayal of the human experience in the face of tragedy. Here (2024) streaming VF gratuit en Full HD, UH 4K.