"Creation of the Gods" is a fantasy film directed by Wuershan. The movie follows the story of a legendary battle between the gods and demons during ancient times. The gods, led by the powerful Jade Emperor, battle against the evil forces of the demon king, who seeks to overthrow the heavens and claim ultimate power.
As the war escalates, both sides enlist the help of powerful warriors and mystical creatures to aid them in their quest for victory. The fate of the universe hangs in the balance as the gods and demons engage in epic battles and make ultimate sacrifices to ensure their respective beliefs triumph.
The film explores themes of loyalty, sacrifice, and the eternal struggle between good and evil. With stunning visual effects and breathtaking action sequences, "Creation of the Gods" is a thrilling and visually stunning journey through a world of mythical creatures and divine beings. Creation of the Gods I (2024) streaming VF gratuit en Full HD, UH 4K.