Avengers: Secret Wars is a Marvel superhero film that follows the Avengers team as they face their biggest challenge yet. When a powerful new villain named Thanos emerges, intent on conquering the universe with the help of the Infinity Stones, the Avengers must rally together to stop him.
As the Avengers face off against Thanos and his army, they must also navigate their own internal conflicts and past traumas. The team is forced to confront their own vulnerabilities and shortcomings, testing their unity and resolve like never before.
With high-stakes action and heart-pounding battles, Avengers: Secret Wars is an epic adventure that will test the strength of the Avengers like never before. Will they be able to come together and defeat Thanos, or will their differences tear them apart? Only time will tell in this thrilling and action-packed film. Avengers: Secret Wars (2027) streaming VF gratuit en Full HD, UH 4K.